
After installation, import nxarray with:

>>> import nxarray

Now the method will be available to xarray Datasets. To save an existing Dataset to a NeXus file simply type:

>>> ds = xarray.Dataset()

To load a NeXus file into an xarray Dataset use the nxarray.load() function:

>>> ds = nxarray.load('path/to/file.nx')

The default NXentry in the NeXus file will be loaded into the Dataset, with all its subgroups (NXdata, NXinstrument, NXsample…).

Note that just a single NXentry at once can be loaded into a Dataset. To load a different NXentry, specify it using the entry= argument:

>>> ds = nxarray.load('path/to/file.nx', entry="myentry")

Upon loading, the fields in the NXdata groups within the NXentry are loaded into data variable and coordinates of the dataset, with their relevant attributes:

>>> ds

The NeXus tree of the NXentry with all the subgroups (NXinstrument, NXsample…) is stored in the NXtree attribute of the Dataset (TAB completion can be used on NXtree).

>>> ds.NXtree
      @axes = 'energy'
      @energy_indices = 0
      @signal = 'absorbed_beam'
      current = 308.52
        @units = 'mA'
>>> ds.NXtree.instrument

All xarray methods and attributes are accesible as usual. E.g. to plot the default signal:

>>> ds.absorbed_beam.plot()

For more info on the resulting Dataset structure and the architecture of nxarray look at the Design section.


Let’s start by importing:

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import nxarray as nxr

and creating a dataset ds:

ds = xr.Dataset()
data = xr.DataArray(np.random.randn(2, 3),
                    dims=('x', 'y'),
                    coords={'x': [10, 20], 'y': [1,2,3]},
ds['MyData'] = data

The ds Dataset can be saved to a NeXus file to disk simply with:'ds.nxs')

You can load it back, let’s say to another Dataset ds2 with:

ds2 = nxarray.load('ds.nxs')

and you can check that the whole structure of your Dataset is preserved. Additionally, the NXtree attribute is present (in this example containing zero objects).

Naming conventions

Note that the nxr accessor for xarray objects will always be available with this naming, independently of the shorthand used when import nxarray.