
The architecture of a NeXus file resembles the structure of an xarray Dataset, with some important differences. In the following it is assumed the reader is familiar with the nomenclature of xarray and NeXus NXdata.

The following table summarize the correspondence brought by nxarray between NeXus and xarray objects and definitions.

NeXus xarray
NXentry Dataset.NXtree (*)
NXdata.entries Dataset.data_vars, Dataset.coords (**)
signal data variable
NXdata.nxaxes Dataset.dims
axes dimensions

(*) The complete structure of the NXentry is loaded into the NXtree Dataset attribute, with the exception of the entries in NXdata.entries which are loaded into the Dataset data variables and coordinates as DataArrays (see below).

(**) The entries in NXdata.entries are loaded into the Dataset data variables and coordinates as DataArrays, provided the attributes @signal and @axes are present in the NXdata group. NXlinks are resolved transparently and are kept when saving back to NeXus. The entry attributes are assigned to the correspondent DataArray. Additionally, the nxgroup attribute is added to each DatArray and its value is set to the name of the NXdata group (NXdata.nxname).

The identification of an entry as data variable or coordinate is performed as follows:

  • An entry referred by the @signal attribute of NXdata is considered a Dataset data variable.

  • An entry is considered a coordinate if:

    • it is listed in the @axes attribute of NXdata or
    • an attribute AXIS_indices is present in the NXdata group
  • Any other entry:

    • is considered a data variable if its shape matches the @signal field shape
    • is disregarded otherwise.